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I started this business because the lady that made my wedding cake 32 years ago put me to work helping her many, many years ago. When my 2nd to the oldest son was getting married, we went to her to order a cake.  My daughter took a lot of interest in the planning, preparation and decoration of the cake. She told me then that when she got older, she wanted to design cakes like Lucille. So...the story begins. Lucille was moving and offered me a deal on ALL her supplies that no one could ever turn down. So, I bought her out....little by little....payment after payment until all paid in full. We had to complete a reception for Lucille so my daughter came along to help finish the cake...and wouldn't you know it!!! She had the worst panic attack ever!!!! She said then, "mom, I will never do this again." So that ended it for a few years. THEN, my husband told me that we needed the building space so I needed to sell all the cake supplies...mind you I have over 200 cake pans!!! My heart sunk. I had so badly wanted my daughters to work with me on cakes. But the oldest one refused. So I said I will take on this task myself. I took classes, and looked at every You Tube video I could find till I made my first cake...for the was my nieces wedding cake. I just knew it would crash before they cut it. I didn't want to move away from the cake in case I could catch it when it started to fall. I was so scared.....Then one after one I was getting a little braver. Next, another great friend of mine said "show off your work on Facebook." That was the right avenue to take. I have made so many new friends, made such a large variety of cakes, get invited to attend birthday parties, weddings and much more. Now, my daughter (who said she would never help) helps me, so does my youngest daughter. I'm even blessed enough to have my daughter in laws help me occasionally. I love baking...but mostly, I love making others happy. So, this is my story of how I became ....LISA THE CAKE LADY!!! I give thanks to my Lord every day for the things he teaches me. Without Him, I can do nothing...with Him. "Nothing shall be impossible"

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